Gardener's Delight

Lamb's Ears are among the most beautiful weeds in the world. Once seeded, they tend to pop up everywhere. This blog will be something like that--a variety of things popping up:
Animals, flowers, landscaping, trees, shrubs, anything from the tremendous variety of nature.

We may review a few books and products.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

First Frost and a Story About Parsely

I've been MIA. The fall is a hurried time with everything threatening to collapse all at once. We needed a new front door. Heating oil prices jumped to $2.59 a gallon from $2.39 just last week.

The deer are hungry and on the move, the coyotes are howling because they enjoy the evening chill, and the remaining garden food and herb plants look as if they've been singed by a flamethrower.
I've got to tell you something. The deer have been eating the parsely. That tells you two things:

1) Horticulturalists who tell you that the deer do not eat herbs because of the strong taste are not infallible.

2) The deer have been watching cooking programs on TV and have developed a more sophisticated palate.

I wonder if I should call Martha Stewart. She'll know. Anyway, for those of you who don't believe me, here's Exhibit A:

Also, there's eyewitness testimony....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Walking Sticks in the Throes of Love

Among Walking Sticks, the male is the smaller of the species. The females lay hundreds of eggs and drop them to the ground. If there is no male in the vicinity, every one of those eggs will become female Walking Sticks. They feed on leaves, obviously.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Winter Gardening: The Fun Never Ends

We experienced our first frost and it was a mild one. It could have been a fatal one as I'd slipped on the boards of the deck steps, not realizing that Jack Frost had visited. Agile as I am (ahem), I made it around to the huge front flower bed and thought of adding winter bulbs before the ground froze. There was already a bed of daffodils and a scattering of grape hyacinth. I wondered where I could get some witch hazel and some hellbore. I'd seen Witch Hazel blooming in the woods in the dead of winter but couldn't remember where. Hellebore...we didnt' have that. We were light on tulips, too, so I made a note to buy some of those early bloomers. Of hollies, we had plenty and the red berries were already eye-catching and merry. Snowdrops were a name easy to remember--another bulb plant which was true to its name.

Of course, you can add garden interest with ornamental grasses so easily and with so little care. You can cut them back in the spring if you want to stimulate new growth. The seed heads are fabulous, so basic and reminiscent of grains in the fields. Fountain grass has that deep purple color but I like the standards browns, golds, tans...even the swamp grass that grows in the bogs of the forest.

The taller grasses are great to look at in winter when the snow is deep but there are shorter grasses you can plant, too. These are best toward the end of summer. A deep snowfall will bury them: Mosquito Grass, Hare's-tail Grass, Squirreltail Glass, Red Fesque, and Snowy Wood Rush.

So, the seasons change but the fun continues.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Durable, Deer-Proof Marigolds

Marigolds are one of the few annuals we plant. There's good reason for that. Aside from a variety of color choices, the plants are durable and deer-proof. I intentionally used the word "deer-proof" rather than "deer-resistant." In our part of the country, "deer-resistant" means little when the deer are hungriest, that is, in late winter, early spring, and in the fall when they're "bulking up." Marigolds can be easily grown from seed, making them one of the most economical plants to provide a blaze of color in late summer and fall. My strictly unscientific point of view notes that the foliage of the humble marigold manifests a delicate strength which appears prehistoric.

Monday, October 8, 2007

It's Not Great But It's Home

I came across this old log cabin deep in the Pennsylvania woods. Though it has nothing to do with horticulture, I couldn't resist a photo.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One of the Many Species of Holly

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Hollies have been used in decoration and for landscape applications for over 2000 years. There are 20 species of American Holly. There are about 128 species of Asian Holly and 200 species of English Holly. With such variety, it’s easy to find a holly which fits your taste and your environment.

Hollies make a distinct statement in the household outdoor plant environment. They look great trimmed low and spreading as a foundation plant. In the winter landscape, the evergreen varieties show up against the bleak surroundings. The curly, colorful, sometimes variegated foliage is intriguing.

Some holly varieties grow into tall trees while others grow not much taller than a dwarf fruit tree. Since holly foliage is bunched and tightly knit, the holly can be trained into a hedge. The holly serves as a formidable barrier as a hedge. Unlike a solid fence, the holly hedge does not present the imposing and lifeless impression of a wood or masonry wall.

Hollies flower but the flowers are small and hardly sensational. Small, greenish-white flowers bloom in warm weather but only upon the female plant. Instead of bright and sensational flowers, the holly produces berries: red ones, yellow ones, or orange ones.

In order to get those bright red berries which look so great in a Christmas wreath, the gardener needs both male and female plants. Cross-pollination is necessary for berry production. The gender of the American holly is difficult to determine until it blooms and produces berries. Indeed, some years may pass before the plant shows gender characteristics.

There is good reason hollies are associated with Christmas decoration in cold and snowy climates. In many parts of the world where winters are cold and snowy, the soils are inhospitable. The deciduous varieties are hardy to 30 degrees below zero; the evergreen varieties can tolerate temperatures to 15 degrees below zero. Though hollies prefer an acid soil, they will easily adapt to less than ideal conditions.

Gardeners and landscapers are often unaware of the deciduous varieties of holly. The reason for this might be that the deciduous varieties are often referred to by other names. Deciduous hollies are common in the northeast of the U.S. where it is called “winterberry”. Woodsmen and farmers may be more familiar with these varieties than gardeners are. Winterberry is found mostly in the woods, rarely in the backyard garden. The berries are typically orange in color, rather than red. But winterberry is in the Ilex family, along with its evergreen counterparts.

Smaller hollies are not unusually expensive in garden shops but the cost can get high if the gardener wishes to purchase a large lot of them to train into a hedge. Propagating them from seed is an option but it’s not a very good one. Growing holly from seed takes a great deal of time. The holly seed is protected by a coating which temporarily prevents propagation. This coating of enzyme and pulp allows the seed to survive the cold winter and begin its growth in spring when the weather warms. For those with a great deal of patience, however, the pulp can be stripped from the seed, washed in cold water, and grown indoors.

A more practical method of propagating holly is through cuttings. One year old cuttings from healthy holly bushes will be the best option for propagation. New growth is green and not yet established. Older holly wood has lost some of the enzymes needed for the plant to thrive.

To propagate from cuttings, dip the cuttings in a rooting enzyme. Place the cuttings in a plant bed of sterilized potting soil mixed with sand and vermiculite. Keep the soil moist while the plants are establishing roots. In an orange crate, one can easily propagate ten to thirty new plants for a planned hedge.