Gardener's Delight

Lamb's Ears are among the most beautiful weeds in the world. Once seeded, they tend to pop up everywhere. This blog will be something like that--a variety of things popping up:
Animals, flowers, landscaping, trees, shrubs, anything from the tremendous variety of nature.

We may review a few books and products.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Nature's Way

Okay, this posting means nothing but it's a nice photo of nature's handiwork, a home for a bird, or a cache for a squirrel and maybe some inspiration for a poet, not me.
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The Forsythia has finally bloomed up here, 800 feet higher than most places in this part of PA. That plant with the tiny white flowers is a genus of Spirea which blooms early but not in spectacular fashion (however, we don't complain). The American Redbud (also known as the Judas Tree) is one of my favorites and is beginning to show its colors.
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Cool Weather Lettuce: Consider Planting Near a Wall

 I planted some lettuce early this year--it's a cool weather crop--even though there was a hard frost and the threat of more on the way. I planted it close to a foundation wall, however. The sun warms the masonry and continues to radiate, creating a mini-climate. Of course, the little germ-like baby lettuce could still get wiped out but so far our scheme seems to be working.
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Friday, April 17, 2009


#commentsHydrangeas were all white when I was a kid. Now they have blue, and green, and.... Here's an article about Hydrangeas by Lisa Mason...

A Better Weekend Gardening Experience - Associated Content

A Better Weekend Gardening Experience - Associated ContentSome Gardening advice from writer Lisa Mason. Keep it light--don't make a big deal of it--and don't forget to have fun....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cute Little Outdoor Solar Plant Lights

You probably already know this, brothers and sisters of the Green Earth, but here goes. I've had my eye on those solar lights you put amidst your plants and along your walkways so you can admire the plant shapes at night. They also alert visitors to where the sidewalks are. Alcoholics also like them as they stumble home in the wee hours but first they have to make it to the house.

Anyways, the bottom line price I saw was at Walmart and I decided I'd buy two of them and try them out. I put them in a flower garden that gets the most sunlight. Results were better than expected. A keen and not obtrusive light, diffused by the fixture upon the head.

That fixture upon the head is why I'm posting save you consternation. I couldn't figure out why, after an entire day in bright sunlight, they would not go on. There was no switch. No battery. Here's the tip of the day. You've got to unscrew the head and you'll see a tiny strip of cellophane right near the tiny bulb. Pull on it, tear it away, and then the bulb will light.

Laugh at me if you want. I pondered this for a long time. But remember $4.00 each at Walmart. They work fine. Not bad.