Gardener's Delight

Lamb's Ears are among the most beautiful weeds in the world. Once seeded, they tend to pop up everywhere. This blog will be something like that--a variety of things popping up:
Animals, flowers, landscaping, trees, shrubs, anything from the tremendous variety of nature.

We may review a few books and products.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Vanishing: A Horror Story about America's Farms





So as I was looking around yesterday at the vanishing farm landscape, and watching the mechanized horsepower burning up the roads, I had some dark thoughts. Those people on the roads, driving so fast, as if the animals didn't exist, as if people no longer walked along the roads, as if nature was something that had lost all meaning except as a political idea....weren't some of them environmentalists? I certain they were because I saw the bumper stickers as they the world, save the planet, drive fast, horsepower!...
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Winter Walk

You need a dog to get you to go out when the weather's rough. I went out this a.m. for a little hike with our dog pulling me along. He's pretty good for a dog, but headstrong, and we have different tastes. I like to look at things like Winterberry and Bittersweet. The dog likes to sniff out whatever invisible things passed through there before.

I once tried transplanting some winterberry that I'd extracted from a swamp. It didn't work. Bittersweet's much easier but it becomes a pest and can strangle a tree....or a person if you stand there long enough. You've got to keep cutting them back.

The Road was clear when I started out but it started snowing about an hour later, and kept knowing, and kept snowing. It turned to sleet later on. a href="">a>

The snow was blasting for quite awhile. Everything was still and quiet. I didn't pass one car when I hit the highway. I cut back into the woods; unfortunately, I didn't have my boots and kept sliding around when I had to do some climbing. By the time the snow started to pile up I was only a mile from home. I laughed to myself, thinking about those old Jack London novels.

But there up ahead, I saw our mailbox. Or somebody else's.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How to Keep Squirrels from Raiding the Bird Feeder

We tried every type of bird feeder to no avail. The squirrels defeated every method we used to prevent them from cleaning out the bird feeder. We were tired of throwing away money. Then we had a burst of inspiration: a one foot square of stiff plastic sheeting did the trick.

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