Gardener's Delight

Lamb's Ears are among the most beautiful weeds in the world. Once seeded, they tend to pop up everywhere. This blog will be something like that--a variety of things popping up:
Animals, flowers, landscaping, trees, shrubs, anything from the tremendous variety of nature.

We may review a few books and products.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Catalogue Your Burpee Garden Seeds

I'm usually so busy that I often forget what seeds I've planted and where I've planted them. Of course, the most common way to address that is to stick the seed packs into the dirt next to the garden rows. Sometimes they dry up, get lost, fall apart in the rain or through watering so I've developed a better method. I have a combined printer, copier, scanner so I scan the seed packs into the computer --see the photos shown above. Sometimes I take a picture of the just planted furrows and insert text labelling there. As the garden grows, I add notes to the photos. It's also a good way to compare seed manufacturer's. Burpee seeds are everywhere but the seed catalogues have plenty of other brands.

It may see cumbersome to some, but doing it this way helps you with next year's planning. You know what worked, and what didn't.
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