Gardener's Delight

Lamb's Ears are among the most beautiful weeds in the world. Once seeded, they tend to pop up everywhere. This blog will be something like that--a variety of things popping up:
Animals, flowers, landscaping, trees, shrubs, anything from the tremendous variety of nature.

We may review a few books and products.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hot Pepper Habanero - Pepper, Hot - Vegetables - Burpee

Hot Pepper Habanero - Pepper, Hot - Vegetables - Burpee

I usually indulge myself every year by planting a rather large number of hot peppers. The practice is wasteful in terms of land use but I can't resist. Truth to tell, I can hardly eat one of these 10-alarm babies each year but I plant them anyway. I can them or give them away. On the other hand, I snack on a variety of mildly hot peppers that I also plant. Somehow, hot peppers seem to me patriotic. Plant some, you'll see.

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